Sunday, July 10, 2016

Flint Water Crisis Continued

The Flint Water crisis has been in the news for the past few years. Being a Flint resident, I know first-hand what living without clean water is about. I have grandchildren who come to my house on a regular basis. Five of my six grandchildren are under the age of 10. The anxiety we felt when the news broke about the lead in the water and how many children had been impacted was too much for a grandparent. To think that I could have poisoned my grandchildren was too much too bare.

Here is a link to a USA article that shows that lead contaminated water is not just in the Flint area.

I work with college students who have young children. Part of our campus has been converted to a water distribution site. I work with the students to help them get connected to resources to help with their young children. Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha was the first to make reports about the elevated lead levels and she does not know what the lasting effects of the lead poisoning. This is one of the reasons that I elected to get more training in early childhood education.


  1. Delores,

    I have heard of the Flint Water crisis, but didn't know much about it until now. I know in my own neighborhood we have wells and were warned not to drink from the taps after my neighbor had his ground water tested. Are there any other places in the world that have had a similar experience that scientists may draw from as they search for answers?

  2. Delores,
    The water crisis is horrific. I can only imaging the fear that you have lived with, particularly with regard to your grandchildren.
    Do you see correlates between Flint and other countries where clean water is scarce or unavailable? Are there practices from other countries that might help reduce the crisis?
    I wish you health and speedy resolution.

  3. Delores,

    I couldn't even begin to imagine being in your situation without clean water. I'm in Virginia and we had a nasty hurricane roll through while I was doing my undergraduate studies that effected the water (for me, some were a few weeks), and that was only for a few days and was miserable. At least then, we could boil the impurities out of it, as I'm pretty sure that isn't an option when the water is contaminated with lead. I know it is something that many people take for granted, and I wish you the best as you guys try to fix an awful situation.
