Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Supports

Without a doubt, my biggest support is my family. My husband and children have supported me in the good times and the not so good times. When I need a confidant, I can go to my husband and discuss things that I cannot with others. I have someone I can trust with the most sensitive kind of information. I can talk about my day when it did not go so well. Having this support helps with my stress and helps me to continue on.  
I had a job that was so stressful it started to impact my health. I needed to work because my husband had become ill and we really needed the money. I would go to work and cry because the environment was so toxic. I could not trust anyone; I could not talk to anyone; I could not be myself with anyone. It was the worst job I ever had. One day I was at home and my supervisor called me. She was yelling at me so loud, my husband could hear her from across the room. After she hung up the phone (after yelling for about 15 minutes) my husband to said to me, “Tomorrow you go in there and submit your resignation. We don’t need the money that bad to accept that type of abuse”. I said to him, “what are we going to do?” He said, “we’re gonna pray”. I would not have had the courage to do that without his support. I would have continued to work and probably ended up in the hospital. That is what having his support means.
You can never have too much support. Everybody needs somebody.