Saturday, September 24, 2016

My Connections to Play

Playing was my way of escaping. We did not have a lot of money growing up, so I would play all kinds of imaginary games. Our parents encouraged us to play outside until the street lights came on. We had to be home by then. Children today play video games, use Snap Chat, Facebook, or any other technological device.

Growing up in my house there was there were not a lot of store bought toys. We did not have money for toys so we had to be creative. I look at the way children grow up now and I think I had it a bit better. You used your imagination; your brain. You had to add and subtract using a pencil and paper; not the Internet or Siri. Playing helped me to be creative and always looking for a solution. Play played an important part in my life; without being able to play I don't know what I would have done. It taught me how to express myself when I didn't have the words. I built friendships through play. I feel disappointed that children do not have the same opportunities that I had growing up.

Image result for quotes about childhood play

Image result for quotes about childhood play

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Relationship Reflection

When I think about my relationships, I always think about God and my family. My husband is my best friend and sees me when I’m up and when I am down. He is there in the good times and the bad times. His support gets me through the bad times. I can talk to him about anything and everything. When things are not going so good (those times when we seem to not be on the same page) it has an effect on me. Everything else is off. God is what makes us stay together even during the hard times. Without my relationship with God, nothing else in my life matters. I pray for guidance and understanding. I pray for patience in stressful times. I pray for the ability to forgive when I have been done wrong. I pray that He makes me better each day than the day before.

Healthy relationship ingredients:
1.     Love without fear.
2.     Trust without wondering.
3.     Be there without restrictions.
4.     Accept someone without wanting them to change.
Communication and sharing between two people. Communication is based on honesty and trust. Talk and listen. Respect and trust. One has to learn to trust and respect the others in your life. Working through disagreements can make the relationship stronger.